Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Caribou Coffee

In commercial art we had to show meaning using text for a food and an animal, one had to be done using photoshop and one by hand. I chose Caribou Coffee as my food because I love that place and its amazing. I used their old logo to write out "caribou" and theircoffee cups and beans to write out "coffee". For the background I found a picture of multiple coffee beans and brought the opacity down. I created the border using photoshop.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Post 3D Ad. Reflection

3D Advertisement: Rockstar
After reviewing my final product my strongest attribute was my use of material. The ribbon on the star was a good plus because then you can't see the edge of the cardboard. Some things that I could have done differently is not had the gap in the ribbon and put some red on the star because there is red on the can. Also I could have made the second slogan brighter if I had had more time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

For my 3D ad. I am doing Rockstar. The theme of my is rock meets eventing. English riding is usually done to more classical music, eventers are considered the daredevils of English riding.

Monday, March 8, 2010


The principles of design are contrast, repetition, unity, movement, balance, rhythm, and emphasis. I enjoy using photshop because it is fun and there is a lot of different things you can do. There are always new tools that I am finding to use.